Strongest Non-Prescription Numbing Cream in Australia | Fast Delivery to your Door

Why Choose the Best Tattoo Numbing Cream?


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Trusted Topical Anaesthetic

Numb1 creams contain 4.9%Tetracaine and 4.9% Lidocaine, making it the most effective numbing cream available for consumer purchase

Tattoo Numbing Cream Australia

Say goodbye to the pain and anxiousness you of getting a tattoo. With our topical anaesthetic, you can get your desired design without having to worry about any discomfort – period!

Numb1 is here to transform the complete tattoo process with our procedural pain relief numbing cream. This numbing cream for tattoos allows you to enjoy your whole tattoo experience without the sting.

Through rigorous testing, the Numb1 team have formulated a range of creams and gels tho eliminate the traditional discomfort of getting a tattoo. Our clientele can now enjoy a smoother and painless experience, with long-lasting results.

Our numbing cream for tattoos is excellent for numbing the skin, particularly the area you want to get inked, for up to 4 hours. Our skin numb cream can be used for other cosmetic procedures, such as waxing, eyebrow threading, acupuncture, Botox along with other treatments requiring a needle.

Strongest Numbing Cream

At Numb1, we’re proud to offer what we believe is the best tattoo numbing cream in Australia. After rigorous testing, we can confidently rate our product a solid 10/10 for its strength and effectiveness. Depending on the amount and method of application, our cream provides hours of pain relief, making those long tattoo sessions easier to endure.

We’ve designed Numb1 not only to numb the skin but to turn a once-intimidating process into something surprisingly pleasant. Ready to get that long-awaited tattoo? With Numb1, you can do it pain-free with Australia’s top-rated numbing cream for tattoos.

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Latest Numb1 News

Does Tattoo Numbing Cream Really Work?

For tattoo enthusiasts and artists, our tattoo numbing cream offers unparalleled advantages that make the experience much more comfortable. Persistently trying and testing our solution, we feel confident that our cream does work and offers benefits like no other. These benefits include:

  1. Saving time: With our numbing cream you don’t have to worry about taking breaks or finding the strength to complete the next step due to intense pain or discomfort. You can save time and stay focused when working on larger tattoo projects in one sitting.
  2. No pain or anxiousness: Our Numb1 topical anaesthetic gives you peace of mind and relieves you from the pain caused by a tattoo needle.
  3. Excellent tattoo finish: Tattoo artists often struggle with providing their clients with tattoos that have a flawless finish, due to the frequent squirming and fidgeting of customers while they are working. With the help of our specially-formulated numbing cream for tattoos, both the artist and customer can easily enjoy a smooth experience while achieving an eloquently designed tattoo.

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How to Use Numb1 tattoo numbing cream?

Using Numb1 tattoo numbing cream is simple thanks to its easy application. All you have to do is  follow the guidelines stated below. You will find the best results that last up to 4 hours!

  1. Apply a generous amount of our Numb1 tattoo numbing cream onto any desired area.
  2. Reapply a second layer a couple of minutes later before wrapping.
  3. Tightly wrap the area with a saran or plastic wrap. Ensure there is no space for air between the wrap and the skin.

Follow the procedure and wrap the area 1 hour prior to your appointment. Keep it until you reach for your appointment.